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Handle - MercenaryThorrn

Name - Tim

I'm Mercenary Thorrn. Twitch Partnered content creator live streaming on Twitch TV from 2014. I also do video production on YouTube when a topic is worth going in-depth.

Content is focused on Sci-Fi and Space games, with most based on the in development game Star Citizen. I also cover the equipment used to play those games, and expand to a broader area from time to time.

I'm a big nerd that loves all things tech and science, learning how stuff works both in and out of games. Then I work on mastering them whether that's practicing dog fighting techniques in game, or disassembling the joystick I used to better understand how it works.


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I mostly stream on enjoying the live format and interaction with people chatting. I don’t currently have a schedule due to shift work but keep an eye on the schedule page as i’m working on that issue.

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When a topic requires more detail than could be covered in a live stream I go into more detail with an edited YouTube video.
I also highlight some gameplay from my livestreams on YouTube, and may expand to more edited content soon.


Thanks for thinking of throwing over some support.

Right now i’m only producing a limited amount of content due to a focus on my main career, so don’t feel the need to support me financially as this is a hobby. If however you still want to jump on over to Twitch and subscribe or send over some bits.

For now the main thing is letting me know you enjoy the content so I know it’s worth doing.